About ReStory
As a Christian-infused company, we believe that every individual deserves quality care, and we strive to create an environment where anyone can feel safe, respected, and supported. We believe you have value and worth, regardless of your faith, race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex (including sexual orientation and gender identity).
You are welcome here.
What Makes ReStory Counseling Unique?
We are committed to our own growth. We only take others as far as we ourselves have gone. Together, we do our own work, and are attentive to our own stories while we work with our clients. We experience what we offer.
We do this together. We don’t just share office space. We all go through our ReStory Institute.
We are not about tips, techniques, or behavior management. We believe there is a deeper root narrative that needs to be addressed.
When it comes to our hearts and lives, we are convinced that God's story is more true than the world's. To ReStory, we must first recognize where we have been in order to know where we are going. At ReStory, we're interested in restoring the heart on all levels.
How We Began
ReStory (formerly Restoration Counseling) was founded on the belief that God doesn't make mistakes. When he originally created and designed us, when he thought us up, he had wonderful and beautiful things in mind. Yet we were born into a broken world whose brokenness affects all of us at the deepest levels. He's not interested in trashing his creation but instead restoring us all to his original design. He will make all things new... again. That is the core of ReStory.
In the Press: Canvas Rebel feature
We don’t just tell stories. We are stories.*
It all begins with story.
All of us have stories, but even more so, all of us ARE stories.* They make up the very fabric of our existence and penetrate every aspect of our lives. These narratives are what create our identity, our understanding of our past, our present and our future.
We believe that one of the most sacred places on earth is the landscape of the heart. Our deepest wounds occur within the context of relationship, and we believe that it is in the context of a safe relationship that we can find our deepest healing. As therapists, we do not hand out tips and techniques, giving advice in how to live or telling you what to do.
ReStory Counseling has been deeply impacted and shaped (both personally and professionally) by the work of Dr. Dan Allender, founder of The Seattle School of Theology and Psychology, and co-founder of The Allender Center. We subscribe to the deeply hopeful, kind, and courageous work that integrates narrative therapy, inner healing, and spiritual warfare.
Often, counseling settles for external change in behavior. And while this is good and helpful, it does not enter the categories of the heart into which Jesus ultimately seeks to bring freedom. We don't settle. We hold out hope for true life-change that comes from heart-change. Our aim is to help you investigate the stories of your life, to see where you have been marred and wounded, and then to take up the pen to re-story your future in new, transformative and adventurous ways.
You were meant to be epic.
*The Healing Power of Stories by Daniel Taylor